Tuesday, December 16, 2008

EU voting on working week opt-out

EU voting on working week opt-out

Office worker working late
The TUC says UK workers put in the longest hours in Europe

A key vote in the European Parliament later could see an end to Britain's opt-out of European laws limiting the working week to 48 hours.

Labour MEPs may vote to end the opt-out against the wishes of Prime Minister Gordon Brown who wants to keep it.

The European Commission has said the opt-out should stay arguing it is now used by at least 14 other countries.

Thousands of trade union members marched on the European Parliament to urge an end to the opt-out.

And leaders of the UK's biggest union, Unite, urged British MEPs to "stop the UK's long hours culture".

'Maximum flexibility'

But on Monday Business minister Pat McFadden told the BBC it would be a mistake to end the opt-out during an economic downturn when people might need to work extra hours.

The opt-out was negotiated by the Conservative government in 1993 and is used by some other member states.

Tired, overstretched workers are not productive workers
Tony WoodleyUnite joint general secretary

But in the debate later British Labour MEPs may side with trade unions and back an amendment to review the opt-out in five years' time.

Trade unions and businesses have been lobbying MEPs up to the last minute. Labour MEPs met in Strasbourg on Tuesday night to decide whether to continue their opposition.

Gary Titley, leader of the Labour group in the European Parliament, said: "We are looking at how the different sides of the argument can be brought together and are trying to find a way to allow for British workers to have maximum flexibility while ensuring the health and safety of workers and consumers alike."


Conservative and Liberal Democrat MEPs say the opt-out should continue but Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans said she would vote against it.

Open Europe, which campaigns for EU reform, estimated ending it in 2011 - as some MEPs want - would cost the UK economy between

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